More Belan Deck Updates

Posted: January 30th, 2024 | Author: | Filed under: Literary, personal | Tags: , , , , | No Comments »

Chris Via of Leaf by Leaf awarded my book “Best Debut” in his 2023 awards video!

Literary critic Daniel Green reviewed my book in this issue of his “Unbeaten Paths” Substack:

Booktuber Marc Nash reviewed the book here:

New Reviews of The Belan Deck

Posted: June 10th, 2023 | Author: | Filed under: personal | Tags: , , , | No Comments »

I’ve received several great reviews of The Belan Deck over at Goodreads, but I wanted to call out two other lengthy reviews.

Biblioklept reviewed the book here and had this to say:

The Belan Deck isn’t a straightforward guidebook or manifesto or map, but it nevertheless, in its elliptical, poetic approach, offers a winding, thinking, feeling path of opposition to not only the machines themselves, but also the hollow men who would gladly replace artists and creators and thinkers with those machines. It’s also really fun to read. Great stuff.

Jay Innis Murray reviewed the book at The Visionary Company and I also did a short interview with him there. Here’s an excerpt of his review:

The book will seduce you to turn pages whether you chase the clues or you don’t. But if you do there is so much more to think about. I’ll close by pointing out that there is now a rabbit hole connecting David Foster Wallace to Matt Bucher via David Markson and there is a rabbit hole connecting David Foster Wallace to David Markson via Matt Bucher. This is pretty cool.

I was also fortunate to get this blurb from acclaimed Gaddis scholar and literary critic Steven Moore:
Very smart, witty, insightful, very literary, and a lovely homage to Markson.“—Steven Moore, author of The Novel: An Alternative History

Two New Reviews

Posted: March 14th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: personal | Tags: , , , | No Comments »

I reviewed Thomas Rayfiel’s excellent new novel Genius for the Chicago Review of Books.

Thomas Rayfiel’s <em>Genius</em> Tackles Sexuality, Philosophy, and Cancer

And at Mexico City Lit I wrote a review / appreciation of Carlos Velazquez’s first book in English, The Cowboy Bible.